Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kch Fest Sports Toto 3on3 (not 3oh3) and Bad Luck.......

Last Sunday i had & joined a competition, Sports Toto Bball 3on3 which was held the MBKS building. My fren told me to come around 7.30pm but im lazy to wake up early but for the sake of bball competition, i had to wake up early. So when i came there, i saw less ppl competed in this tournament. Not fun lerh if less ppl competed but wat to do...... i didnt warm up coz felt lazy and blur blur in the morning. Suddenly the announcer asked the ppl or the participants who joined the competition to stop shooting the ball or still playing coz wanted to announce that the mayor of mbks wanted to give a speech b4 the starting of the tournament. After his speech, he straight went to a bball court escorted by the organiser and other ppl wit the photographers and participants surrounded them. So the mayor shot the ball at the bball court to show the starting of the competition but he missed. He took the shot again but missed again. It took 5, 6 tries of shot to shoot in the ball in the end. haha. After that the competition began wit the 1st round of the match wit teams battling out against each other to go to the next round. There's few catergories in this tournament. Under 20, under 16, under 12, girl's open and non-chinese open. I joined the under 20 tournament since im 18 this year. haha. Damn, there was a problem bout my team. We needed to wait till round 13 or 14 then its my team to play. That was bloody long to wait.... I was starving that time but luckily got my chewing gum to make myself to be less hungry. Some star players were playing in this tournament including some division players and state players. Oh ya, i didnt know Lloyd had a brother named Mark Eng. Their faces looked the same like twins. haha. Back to the tournament, we waited and waited and waited and waited and waited till the next match was our team playing against other team. After waited for 3 hell hours, we finally got to play. Our team name was Apple & Cinnamon, My fren used that name since he liked Utada Hikaru song, Apple & Cinnamon. My team was against a team named Asajaya 1. So we competed wit them wit everything that we had got but in the end we lost 13-15, juz the difference of two points. It was a rough play actually coz that is how 3on3 played. Eventhough we lost but at least i had experience......

kids are playing for the tournament.

The mayor's shot from the free throw line. (WTF!! wat's wit those flash thingy over there??!!)

The tournament begins....

While others waiting for their next match......

This is wat u called, BULLY!!! 3 state players wit 1 of them is m'sian player against a team of kids??!!!

"Star" players against "Star" players

MuffinMan will "die" another year for this tournament. xD


Oh ya, recently i had lots of bad luck. Dunno y its happening to me. Few bad luck including cant go to Genting together wit HER and S'pore at the the end of the year. God, plz help me to go on a trip to Genting together wit HER. I reli reli wanted to go there wit HER. I will do anything for U, God as long can see her in KL and Genting. I juz pray that my parents will allow me to go and my uncle to stay at his apartment. Im so sori to HER coz made HER worried bout me juz now since i was cool myself off and be alone for a while. When HER tears dropping out from her eyes, i suddenly will become sad for HER coz HER tears reli touches me alot. Its my fault if i make HER sad again but i don wan HER to be sad always, i wan HER to be happy wit smiles around HER face. I hope SHE will come back as soon as possible coz SHE is the onli 1 can cure my 'illness' and my bad luck problems... SHE's my remedy, my medicine and antidote for cure and my lucky charmed lady for my luck. =)

1 word for OUR relationship(ME & HER), EVERLASTING....

1 comment:

  1. gosh, u're really funny lah in ur posts... it's like ur speaking instead of typing.. hahha


    but, nonetheless, i still enjoy it a lot... haha

    hm... about the bad luck thing, it's just temporary... :)

    does "good luck" help?
