Sunday, August 16, 2009

My 1st Week in Swinburne


I started my swinburne foundation studies by few naggings from my dad in the morning since i still don hav my timetable. I alredi explained to him y i don hav my timetable but he forgets. Short-term memory i guess but juz whatever. I went to the student admin but the lady there said need to go to the auditorium since lots of students will be complaining bout their timetable and other stuffs. Juz what i've thought, lots of students were in the auditorium. Need to queue up again, so sien. In there i cut queue by straight went to my good fren who is a clerk for the student admin, Miss Grace. She's so helpful. Any help for my student application, i straight go to her for help. I asked her for my timetable to be printed out, so she printed out for me. After saying 'thank you' to her, i straight went to my 1st class, Engineering Maths. Suddenly i saw Joey in my class, meaning he's the same ema class as me. Phew, at least i got a fren to chat with. haha. My ema leacturer is a old lady named Madam Lee Lin. I heard that lots of students like her coz of her teaching and her politeness to students. Some said for those students who had this lecturer as their ema lecturer, they consider very very lucky. WOW, means me and Joey were lucky to hav her as our lecturer. haha. After ema class, i straight follow Joey to the audtorium since he wanna discuss bout his subjects. Suddenly i saw Sonia, Louis and Yamato. Wow, so long didnt see Sonia liao. haha. After chatting wit them, i went to phy class since im very lazy to eat. My phy lecturer is an Indian guy named Mr Push-pa-raj sumthing sumthing.. hardly to remember his laz name. Its not hard actually, its DAMN HARD. Eventhough some students said he doesnt know how to teach and dunno wat the hell he's talking bout but i like his Indian accent. So cool like Russell Peters. hahaha. Went to library to study and video call HER. =DDDDDD Going home around 7pm, went into the car and started nagging again from my dad. 1 thing that reli reli fucking pissed me off from him was that he said to me that 'don act stupid-stupid like that', means im acting stupid larh that time??!!!! WTF larh. Suddenly said like this to his own son???!!! not respect 1. He thinks he's smart merh?? My dad always thinks bout himself onli, quite stingy and always blame on ppl eventhough it's his fault. I juz kept quiet onli after he said that. Don mind, i promise to myself and my gf that i will NEVER EVER be like my dad. I will be a good husband and a good dad in the future. I juz don like my dad's character and attitude. *End of my 1st day, Monday.*

newly 'arranged' library..

looks okay to me...........

Phew..... my favourite 'hot-spot' place to on9 & study is still there. haha

my timetable...


Nothing much on Tuesday. Woke up early in the morning since my English (part 2) class starts 8.30am but went to swinburne early around 7.45am. Went to swinburne cafeteria and had my breakfast. i ordered kopi tarik, my favourite for my energy booster in the morning. haha. Went to English class and met my old frens back. As usually the English class was boring. Sien... After that went to cafeteria and suddenly met Christine and her frens. Chat wit them for a while till my GIRL msg me in fb since im using Kat's lappy to on9 at the cafeteria. Since Kat's lappy doesnt hav skype, so need to use msn msgger to webcam wit her. Saw her face msgger and straight showed to Christine. haha. Christine was so excited to see HER again. Poutting each other till Christine print-screened the pics. haha. So cute SHE poutted!!! as cute as a puppy!!! xDDD After that, phy class. 1 word, boring but i understand wat was he teaching about. After phy class, went to MPH to play bball wit frens. So hard to play using jeans. Stupid me. haha. So that's the end of Tuesday.

My Kopi Tarik... so nice.... =)))))

Poutting to each other, so cute!!! xD


Wednesdat was nothing also, i mean its boring in class. Morning had my English class and in the afternoon was my EMA class. The EMA class is replaced by a temporary lecturer who is an old man since my lecturer gone to KL. Oh ya, every Wednesday is bball day. So yeah, very exciting bout it coz can challenge the bball players who are the sam league or better than me. hhaha. So straight went home after class, changed my clothes and straight went to swinburne MPH to play bball. Played from 3.45pm till 7pm. Walao, so tired yet still can play some more but cannot liao coz too hungry that time. haha. The end of Wednesday~~~

the temporary lecturer, Mr Chai....

not so rajin larh.....

1 side of the court playing bball......

and the other side of the court is playing bball too...


Nothing happened today, so juz bla bla bla~~~~~~ =P


After phy class, i went to library to meet wit my frens. Met Joey, Sonia, the tauke Kelvin Chong. We were waiting for Joanne to finish the class then we go to McD to have our lunch. Luckily i ate onli 1 Big Mac, need to save money for my bday. hahaz. Went to English class after that. We're late for class actually and Joanne drove very carefully since it was raining that time. haha. When reaching the class, felt so cold. Freezing..............but im okay, resist to cold weather. Oh ya, its was my 6 months anniversary wit her. So happy... ^^ If u wanna to read more bout it, juz go to my previous blog on '14th August 2009, My 6th Month Anniversary with HER'.


Went to bball in the evening at swinburne there. Less ppl played. haha...


Went to Spring for a while. Jalan-jalan alone. Stupid clutch of the Atos car!!!!!


That's all i can write for my 1st week in Swinburne...LOL!!!

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