Thursday, August 13, 2009

14th August 2009, My 6th Month anniversary with HER

14th August 2009, exactly 12am was my 6th month or half a year anniversary wit my beloved gf, Samantha Tan. 2 hours b4 the clock strikes 12am, i certainly dunno wat should i do for my 6th month anniversary. Then i thought of 1 idea and that is using my hand drawings or my design arts show my sincerity and my loyalty to HER. So i started my drawings and made few sketches at 1st. Usually when i do my hand drawing works, i can do it steadily and calm wit no pressure at all but this time when i did my artwork for my special anniversary, i was under high pressure. In the end i managed to finish my artwork or my drawings. Hope SHE likes it. Eventhough i didnt draw as nicely as i could, but i did it on my own, on my hardwork and i did it juz for HER. Eventhough SHE didnt noticed about our 6th month anniversary of our relationship, i don mind, as long i'm happy for wat i've done for HER and also SHE's happy for our 6th month anniversary. =)


And AFTER..............................................

Tears dropped out of my eyes after finished doing the artwork and after my frens liked my status profile, haha. Laz couple of weeks i made her sad coz of my attitude. Dunno y i suddenly becoming like this. Her attitude getting better but mine is getting worse. But juz wanna let u know that i reli reli love her and my love for her will never ever change. SHE, together wit her love to me has been sealed inside my heart forever. SHE's my 1 and onli lover in my life. I juz wanna say to her that I LOVE U~~~~~


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